to get rid of something
to murder someone
A lot of the restrictions on imports have been done away with.
Companies would be aware that doing away with perks would hit morale.
He has done away with any resemblance of accountability or separation of powers.
Mortgage interest relief for homebuyers was done away with 15 years ago, but landlords continue to enjoy it.
So unless we are going to do away with mobile phones there is no logic in doing away with wifi.
Still, it's a terrible thing when you are willing a character to do away with himself simply so that the play can end.
The trouble with doing away with choice in schools is that there is simply no other mechanism that has been shown to work for producing quality.
There were rumours that Doug had done away with his wife.
does away with
doing away with
did away with
done away with
There is no origin for this phrasal verb
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