same as get around
to begin to do something
But is it just an expensive fad or a genuinely practical way to get about?
But the encouraging aspect of all this is that older people are getting about a bit, making new friends and taking gentle exercise in this way.
But there are slower ways of getting about.
Early man knew that rivers were the best way to get about - slow but sure, and beautiful to boot.
He thinks you may get about again, though it may be a long time first.
I think we got about 15 staff out on that ladder.
In Copenhagen it's just a pleasant way of getting about.
Inevitably, traffic and parking can be an issue, so the quickest way to get about is by bike or bus.
It offers a great alternative way to get about for anyone who wants to leave the car at home and holiday a little greener this summer.
Most people get about five times this amount due to added salt in food.
Nor is it a good way of getting about.
Now he's got about 40 people working for him.
On top of it being a great way of getting about and them looking great, there was an added charge to it.
She used to get about a bit, didn't she?
Somehow it got about that Jenny was having a baby.
We get about 20 people per course.
We get about 30 million people per year.
When he got about 4ft away, we grabbed pots and pans and threw them at his face.
You can only get about a dozen people in there.
You have to drive to get about and people die while driving.
You really need a car to get about here.
gets about
getting about
got about
There is no origin for this phrasal verb
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